Saturday, May 26, 2007

Well-Made World #8

  • Rannie Amiri provides more much-needed insight on the situation in Lebanon's Nahr al-Bared camp, pointing to how Siniora's lax approach to Sunni radicals (in the hopes of undermining the Shi'a organization Hezbollah) has backfired.
  • The US Congress today, predictably, passed the only version of George Bush's Iraq War spending bill that the President would not veto, confirming their own spinelessness and irrelevance about a year ahead of schedule. This at a time when a New York Times/CBS News poll finds public support for the war at its lowest point since the occupation of Iraq began. No Empires wonders if those responsible for the poll took their own editorial board/news directors into account, seeing as how they share responsibility for selling the fucking thing in the first place?
  • Yvonne Roberts takes up the debate over a UK-centered boycott of Israeli products, and asks us to 'throw a stone at Goliath' in anticipation of June 9, a day of Global Action for Palestine. No Empires will be in Washington for the march.
  • Robert Jensen weighs in on the all-too-important fight for tenure being waged by the estimable Norman Finkelstein, against the most powerful and most dishonest lobby in the world (spearheaded by the scourge of No Empires, Alan Fucking Dershowitz)--and draws incredibly disheartening conclusions about the state of US academia.
  • Howard Friel on how the New York Times aids and abets Israel's impunity in the 'international community."
  • Amjad Barham on why the international boycott of Israeli academic institutions is justified, and shows how the vast majority of Israeli academics are at the very least silent in the face of their country's misdeeds.


Jacob Shell said...

Funny story about Cheney (not from this book, which looks amazing): he comes from a genealogy of British Crown loyalists and high-seas pirates. Not a joke (I'll dig up the citation somewhere). And this may go a long way towards explaining his curious ideological dedication to imperialism on the one hand and unregulated private wealth-accumulation on the other.

Jacob Shell said...

It also gives the Dubai move a fun historical color. Arr~!